


ezbotf -h

-h, --help - Shows help message.

--version - Shows current framework version.

--author - Shows author.

-v, --verbose - Show additional information.

-i (FOLDER NAME), --initialize (FOLDER NAME) - Initializes new environment.

Subcommand: instance


ezbotf instance -h

-h, --help - Shows help message about this subcommand.

-n (NAME), --new-intance (NAME) - Creates new instance in the current environment.

-r (NAME), --run (NAME) - Runs instance by it name.

-s (NAME), --setup (NAME) - Set ups credentials for instance by it name. Requires: –api-id, –api-hash arguments

--api-id (API ID) - Telegram API ID for –setup

--api-hash (API HASH) - Telegram API HASH for –setup

See also

First instance

Subcommand: plugin

-h, --help - Shows help message about this subcommand.

-i (NAME), --instance (NAME) - Instance with that work. Required for all arguments

-n (NAME), --new-plugin (NAME) - Creates new plugin.

-r (NAME), --remove-plugin (NAME) - Removes the plugin.

-c (NAME), --compile-plugin (NAME) - Compiles the plugin to .zip (do not forget to backup your code!)

-I (PATH), --install-plugin (PATH) - Installs the plugin.