context module


This module is imports as from .. import *. This means that there is no need to import it separately or use ezbotf.context.Context. You can simply use ezbotf.Context as example.

Defines Context class that helps to store variables and transfer it between plugins, and other framework elements.


class ezbotf.context.Context

Class, that replaces dict with the sample namespace

Other methods, such as __init__(), __repr()__ isn’t interested and not documented. But, in the Context have one feature. When you print it, it prints out all it members by usage a repr() function. Example is bottom.


It will print something that:

Context(cache_dir=WindowsPath('cache') dirs=Context(cache_dir=WindowsPath('cache') lang_dir=WindowsPath('lang') logs_dir=WindowsPath('logs') permissions_dir=WindowsPath('permissions') plugins_dir=WindowsPath('plugins')) instance=<ezbotf.instance.BotInstance object at 0x000001AD635DA990> notifies=['⚠️ Version **1.0.0b3 [unstable]** of `EzBot Framework` is unstable. This may cause problems!'] owner=None)