instance module


This module is imports as from .. import *. This means that there is no need to import it separately or use ezbotf.instance.BotInstance. You can simply use ezbotf.BotInstance as example.

Here is defined a bot instance. This class managing all framework elements in one. If you not an advanced developer, you may use an ezbotf-cli. To get help about it, you must type in your terminal: # ezbotf -h


The BotInstance is main class of all. Instance of it class manages all required things, as: PluginManager, Context, etc. Also, handles a messages from the Telegram (method: BotInstance.handle_message())

Quick usage of this class:

import ezbotf
from pathlib import Path

instance = ezbotf.BotInstance()
instance.import_config(Path('<PATH TO THE CONFIG OF INSTANCE>'))  # Set ups config
instance.quick_run()  # Calls all required methods to start an instance


You must create a file with the configuration of instance. See Instance Configuration about this.

class ezbotf.instance.BotInstance(config: dict[str, Any] | None = None)

Instance of the bot

  • config – TOML config of instance

  • logger – Logger of instance

  • main_group – Main logger group of instance. All loggers will be use it as parent

__init__(config: dict[str, Any] | None = None)

config – Preloaded TOML dict config to use. If it not set, you must use import_config() method

import_config(path: Path)

Imports a TOML config from path to instance


path – Path to the config


IncorrectInstanceConfigError – When config is not have required parameters


Setups a context attribute that shared between ezbot framework elements and plugins

initialize(parent_logger_group: LoggerGroup | str | None = None)

Initializes all values in instance, such as PluginLoader, working context, Logger and other


parent_logger_group – Parent logger of this instance


Loads all required items (such as PluginLoader and TelegramClient)


Runs an instance


Calls all required methods to start the instance (before using it, you must use import_config() method). Shorthand for the initialize(), load(), run() methods

async handle_message(event: EventBuilder)

Handles a message (Parses and search for the commands)


event – Event of the message from Telethon