argumentparseerror module


This module is imports as from .. import *. This means that there is no need to import it separately or use ezbotf.argumentparser.argumentparseerror.ArgumentParseError. You can simply use ezbotf.argumentparser.ArgumentParseError as example.


class ezbotf.argumentparser.ArgumentParseError(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Enum with the possible Argument Parser errors

  • TooManyArguments – Returned when to argument parser is passed too many arguments

  • TooLittleArguments – Returned when to argument parser is passed too little arguments

  • IncorrectType – Returned when argument cannot be type-casted

  • IncorrectSubcommand – Returned when to argument parser with subcommands passed nonexistent subcommand

  • ReplyToRequired – Returned when required to reply to any message to work with command

  • CantFindOriginalMessage – Returned when limit of messages distance is reached and message doesn’t found

  • PluginError – Returned when plugin raised an exception