
There is described, how you can quickly translate the framework. Translations are use TOML - powerful language for configurations.

There is example of translation file (English translation):

# Translations of the ezbotf Instance
instance.nonexistent_command  = 'Command isn\'t exists!'
instance.disallow_access      = 'You have not access to this command!'

# Translations of the ezbotf ArgumentParser
argumentparser.too_little_arguments        = 'There is too litle arguments'
argumentparser.too_many_arguments          = 'There is too many arguments'
argumentparser.reply_to_required           = 'To use this command, you must reply to any message'
argumentparser.incorrect_type              = 'Incorrect type of argument'
argumentparser.incorrect_subcommand        = 'There is no that subcommand'
argumentparser.cant_find_original_message  = 'Cant find original message from reply to. Limit of distance is 50 messages'
argumentparser.plugin_error                = 'Plugin returned an exception. You may check the console (if log level if exception+) for the error'

How to start translate?

Just copy the file en.toml in lang directory and name it as described bottom.

After, you can replace English strings (insert the ' characters) to translated text.

Where is strings?:

instance.nonexistent_command  = 'Command isn\'t exists!'


If your translation contains character ', you must place \ before it. Such as \'.

How to name a translation file?

You must correctly name a file with your translations according to ISO 639-1. Check Wikipedia to get a list of available languages and codes:

Also, because translation file is TOML document, you must add .toml to your file.

Examples: en.toml, uk.toml, pl.toml



All translations of the framework stores in ezbotf/env_default/lang/.

If you want to provide your translation into framework, then:

  1. Fork EzBotF repository.

  2. Commit your changes (as example, add Ukrainian translation).

  3. Create pull request and summary of your changes.

Good luck!